Oticon / Bernafon ProWax Wax Filters Guards
Oticon ProWax Filters serve as a preventative measure to keep ear wax, dust, or other debris out of your speaker or receiver, allowing the hearing aid user to remove it without damaging the device.
Oticon ProWax Filters are compatible with hearing aids across the Inium range. These include:
- Alta
- Nera
- Ria (ITE, ITC, CIC, MiniFit Lite, Micro Moulds & Power Flex Moulds)
Please note that this product is not compatible with MiniFit receiver wires (60, 85, 100) such as Oticon, Opn, Alta, Nera, Ria RITE and MiniRITE. These all require Pro Wax Minifit filters.
1 Pack includes - 6 wax filters
3 Packs includes - 18 wax filters
5 Packs includes - 30 wax filters
How to replace:
Step 1: Take your Oticon wax guard and take out the tool from the shell. The tool consists of a semicircular tool with two pins at the end. On one side is an empty pin for removing used hearing wax guard while the other contains a new hearing aid wax guard.
Step 2: Insert the empty side of the pin into the used hearing aid wax guard and pull it out vertically. Once the old wax guard is out, turn the other end and insert the new wax guard into the hearing aid receiver. Roll it to help the wax guard come off. Once the new wax guard is in place, your hearing aid is good to use. Discard the replacement tool properly.